The Creative Study is a Silver Lovie and People's Lovie Winner in Websites & Mobile Sites: Best Editorial Experience.

We believe creativity is the last true competitive advantage. As part of our longtime collaboration with ASK US FOR IDEAS (AUFI) we worked with them and Made by ON to devise The Creative Study—an attempt to define the undefinable and find out what it really means to be a creative practitioner in the 21st century.

With AUFI’s unrivalled access to the best creative minds, we interviewed some of the world's top agencies—harvesting insights and opinion on how they work, what they think and where they are heading.

From hundreds of hours of interviews, conducted across ten global cities, we were able to deep dive into the business of creativity and how it’s shaping our industry, and our broader world.

As part of the report, we designed a series of infographic posters to bring the data to life in an OOH London campaign.

Discover the full report here: https://creativestudy.aufi.com